Pro-Motion Driving School
A driving instructor providing quality driving lessons in Dumfries and the surrounding area.
We serve postcodes DG1 & DG2
All my services are tailored to meet your driving needs
Driving Lessons
Lesson Prices
1hr driving lesson £30
1.5hr driving lesson £45
2 hr driving lesson £55
Book & Pay driving lessons for 5hrs £145
Book & Pay driving lessons for 10hrs £280
Book & Pay driving lessons for 20hrs £540
Should you wish to book and pay for more hours than stated above then please contact me for details. Please note this is not an intensive course.
See below for further details. For details of the 1st and 2nd lesson click here

Driving Lessons
Lesson Prices
1hr driving lesson £30
1.5hr driving lesson £45
2 hr driving lesson £55
Book & Pay driving lessons for 5hrs £145
Book & Pay driving lessons for 10hrs £280
Book & Pay driving lessons for 20hrs £540
Refresher Driving Lessons For All Drivers
Do you struggle with motorways?
Do you find roundabouts confusing?
Do you have difficulty parking?
Do you struggle with night time driving?
If you have problems with any of the above or have any other issues then I can help you.
Contact me for further information.

Theory Test Help
I can assist with your theory test by offering you all the assitance that you require to enable you to pass this test.
I can also recommend other reading materials, including links to other websites and CD Roms that you can access also. Click here to access the Highway Code online.
Coaching For Friends & Family
People used to be confident at passing on their driving skills to others, but today's driving test is now a lot tougher so it is more important than ever to ensure that today's learner does not pick up any bad habits.
This is where my 2 hour course reaps its rewards. During the 2 hours, you will have your own driving assessed and any bad habits or dangerous driving that would result in you failing today's driving test will be identified and corrected.
You will be taught what a driving test examiner is looking for, including; road positioning, how to move off and stop correctly and safely and how to carry out various manoeuvres.
I will also provide valuable coaching techniques that you will be able to use when out with a learner driver. This should give you the skills you need in order to supplement the coaching that I am already supplying to the learner.

Pass Plus
Pass Plus is a course that you can undertake once you have passed your practical driving test.
You will have 6 hours extra training, giving you more experience at the wheel, and this should help to reduce your insurance premium.
The course is provided as 3 x 2hr sessions and will provide much needed experience of busier and much faster roads.
On completion of the 6 sessions to an 'achieved' or 'exceeded' standard, which is assessed continually throughout the 6 hours, I will send the completed training form to the DSA Pass Plus Unit and they will issue you with your Pass Plus Certificate.
Pass Plus consists of 6 practical modules:-
• Town Driving
• All-weather Driving
• Out of Town Driving
• Night Driving
• Dual Carriageways
• Motorways

Connect With Us
Conversion Lessons
Prices are the same as normal lessons (see top of page)
Are you qualified to drive an automatic and want to get qualified to drive a manual car?
Do you need to convert your licence to a british licence from a foreign licence?
Phone or email me to arrange your first lesson. Contact details are at the bottom of this page.